Ti nspire cx cas уравнения

Calculus Made Easy — Step by Step — with the TI-Nspire CX (CAS)

&nbsp Solve Calculus problems stepwise using the Ti-Nspire Calculator

Calculus Made Easy


Calculus Made Easy is the ultimate educational Calculus tool.

Users have boosted their calculus understanding and success by using this user-friendly product. A simple menu-based navigation system permits quick access to any desired topic.

This comprehensive application provides examples, tutorials, theorems, and graphical animations. Just enter the given function in the provided dialogue box and learn how the correct rule is applied — step by step — until the final answer is derived.

Features include:
-Step by Step Differentiation
-Step by Step Integration
-Step by Step Differential Equations
-Integral Calculator with Steps
-Step by Step Parametric Equations
-Step by Step Polar Functions
-Step by Step Multivariable Calculus
-Step by Step Limits and L’Hopital Rule
-Step by Step Implicit Differentiation
and much more as can be seen in the videos.


  • READ: Linear Functions
  • Find Slope
  • Find y=mx+b
  • Analyze |x| Function & its Slope
  • All-in-one-Function Explorer
  • Evaluate Function
  • Find Domain of f(x)
  • Find Range of f(x)
  • Intersection of 2 Functions
  • Composition of 2 Functions f(g(x))
  • Do the Quadratic Equation
  • Complete the Square
  • Find [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h
  • Find Inverse function
  • READ: Interval Notation
  • Newton Method
  • Apply Intermediate Value Theorem
  • READ: Intermediate Value Theorem
  • READ: Limit Rules
  • L’Hopital Rule 0/0 or 8/8
  • Compute 1- and 2-sided Limits
  • Continuity of piecewise-defined function
  • Continuity of piecewise-defined function: Find x-values for Continuity
  • READ: Definition of 2-Sided Limit & Continuity
  • READ: Definition of Continuity
  • Do the Squeeze / Sandwich Theorem
  • Find [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h
  • Average Rate of Change
  • Relative Rate of Change
  • Find f'(x)=lim [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h as h->8
  • Instantaneous Rate of Change
  • Evaluate Derivatives; Tangent- & Normalline
  • Find Horizontal Tangentline
  • Find Tangentline parallel or perpendicular to given Line
  • Find Point Slope & y=mx+b given Pt & Slope
  • READ: Differentiation Rules
  • Step by Step Differentation
  • Higher Derivatives with Evaluation
  • Critical Points
  • Increasing & Decreasing Functions
  • Relative and Absolute Min and Max
  • Points of Inflection & Concavity
  • Mean Value Theorem
  • Rolle’s Theorem
  • Step by Step Implicit Differentiation
  • Slope of Inverse Function
  • All in one Rate Explorer
  • Differentiability of piecewise-defined function
  • Absolute and Percent Change
  • Differentials
  • APPS: Max Volume of Folded Box
  • APPS: Min Distance Point to Function f(x)
  • APPS: Related Rates Find dy/dt
  • READ: Integration Rules
  • Step by Step Integration
  • Integration by Trig Substitution
  • Integration by Partial Fraction Decomposition
  • Find Antiderivative & Constant of Integration: ∫f(x)dx + C
  • Definite Integrals (Netarea)
  • 1. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • 2. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Average Value Theorem
  • Find Total Area ∫|f(x)|dx
  • Find Enclosed Area ∫U(x)-L(x)dx
  • Area Approx. RAM
  • Integration of Piecewise defined Function
  • Compute ∫(Rate)dt
  • Improper Integrals Type 1 & 2
  • APPS: CURVE LENGTH of f(x) ∫(1+f'(x)^2)dx
  • APPS: VOLUME — Disk Method about x-axis
  • APPS: VOLUME — Washer Method about x-axis
  • APPS: VOLUME — Shell Method about y-axis
  • APPS: VOLUME — Washer Method about y-axis
  • APPS: VOLUME — Known Cross Sections
  • APPS: SURFACE AREA (x and y-axis)
  • READ: Integration by Trig Substitution
  • Solve any 1. order Differential Equation
  • Separation of Variables
  • Euler Method
  • Logistic Differential Equation
  • Solve any 2nd order Differential Equations
  • Given Position s(t)
  • Given Velocity v(t)
  • Given Acceleration a(t)
  • Explicit Sequence & Partial Sum
  • Recursive Sequence & Partial Sum
  • Sequence Formula Finder (arithmetic and geometric sequences)
  • Sigma S-Notation
  • Geometric Series & Convergence Test
  • Nth Term Test for Divergence
  • Integral Test
  • p-Series Test
  • Alternating Series Test
  • Ratio Test
  • Telescoping Series
  • Find Sum and Partial Sums
  • Develop MacLaurin & Taylor Series using Definition
  • Taylor Series with Error Bound
  • Compose 2 Taylor Series
  • Power Series
  • Interval and Radius of Convergence
  • Eliminate Parameter
  • Evaluate and Derivatives
  • Tangents
  • Curve Length
  • Enclosed Area
  • Volume of Solids
  • Surface Area of Solids
  • READ: Vector Rules
  • 2D: Vector Length, Angle, Dot Product
  • Given Position s(t)=(x(t)
  • Given Velocity v(t)=(x'(t)
  • 3D: Unit Vector, Vector Length, Cross Product
  • Find Line Eqn given 2 Vectors
  • Find Plane Eqn given 3 Vectors
  • Polar Coordinates -> (x,y)
  • READ: Symmetry of Polar Equations
  • Find Intersection of Polar Functions
  • Evaluate and Differentiate d(theta)/dr
  • Find dy/dx
  • Find Tangent Line
  • Horizontal and Vertical Tangents
  • Area
  • Curve Length
  • Find Angle theta given x and r(theta)
  • Find Angle theta given y and r(theta)
  • Convert 3D Coordinates
  • Partial Derivatives and Gradient
  • Relative Extrema of f(x)
  • Hessian Matrix
  • Directional Derivative
  • Chain Rule
  • Laplace Transforms
  • Lagrange Multipliers
  • Multiple Integrals: ∫f(x,y)dydx
  • Multiple Integrals: ∫∫f(x,y,z)dzdydx
  • Find Tangent Plane & Normal Line
  • Normal Unit Vector
  • Solve any Equation or Inequality
  • Intersection of 2 Functions
  • Simplify Expression
  • Factor
  • Expand/Distribute
  • Partial Fractions
  • READ: Intro
  • Convert Degree Radian
  • Evaluate Trig Functions
  • READ: Trig Identities
  • READ: Hyperbolics
  • READ: Unit Circle: Angles & Coordinates
  • READ Circle Properties & Formulas
  • Find Circle Sector
  • READ: Exponents & Rules
  • Solve any Equation
  • Solve using the Rule 72
  • Solve Money/Exponential Growth Problems
  • READ: Logarithms & Rules
  • Evaluate Logarithms
  • Logarithm Solver
  • Change of Base
  • Help & Use of Keys
  • What to Input
  • About us

    Графический калькулятор Texas Instruments NSPIRE CX CAS на x86 android девайсах

    Здравствуйте, уважаемые Хабровчане!

    По работе приходиться использовать графический калькулятор компании Texas Instruments модели NSPIRE CX CAS. Девайс довольна таки громоздкий и брать его с собой не всегда получается. У него много приятных возможностей, вплоть до 3Dграфиков. Также можно установить программу для работы с ним на компьютере, которая эмулирует ОС аппарата. Есть возможность написания своих программ на Lua.

    До него пользовался калькулятором TI-83.
    Для 83 я как-то прочитал про эмулятор под андроид, Andie Graph. Для нее всего лишь требовался rom файл калькулятора, который можно было слить со своего девайса, либо найти в интернете.

    В последствии я нашел эмулятор для NSPIRE CX CAS. Вполне сносный и единственный, увы не для процов ARM, что немного огорчает.

    На данном видео автора можно увидеть работу программы, а в описании видео — ссылка на программу, коротенькая и ясная инструкция по установке и настройке.

    Ti nspire cx cas уравнения

    The TI-Nspire CX is the most recent evolutionary step. Almost resembling a smartphone, it is the first TI calculator to sport a backlit, color LCD, as well as featuring a removable Wi-Fi module and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. RAM and storage memory are increased to 64 MB and 100 MB, respectively. The CX no longer features TI-84 Plus keypad support, but it otherwise maintains the features of the earlier Nspire models.

    Click for a larger version.

    TI Nspire
    CPU150 MHz ARM (unconfirmed)
    Memory64 MB RAM, 100 MB Flash ROM
    Screen Size320×240 pixels
    Link Port?Yes, USB Mini Port
    CBL / CBR Support?No
    ViewScreen Model Available?No
    TI-Presenter Compatible?No
    TI Keyboard Compatible?No
    TI-Navigator Compatible?Yes

    From time to time, TI will update the internal code of their calculators to work around bugs, optimize functions, and even add features. This results in several versions of each calculator in the marketplace.

    Known ROM versions:


    Assembly programming on the Nspire is made possible by the third party utility Ndless , which exploits loopholes in the operating system to allow execution of compiled code.

    Several emulators are available to let you simulate TI calculators on your computer. To locate available emulators and learn how to download a ROM image from your calculator, see our Emulators page.


